Saturday 30 April 2011

What is it with religious propaganda?

I came across a Youtube video for toddlers the other day. It was supposed to be an educational video to teach very young children the easter story.

The narrators were going on about thorns on Jesus' head and soldiers driving nails into hands and feet.

This particular educator is very good at early years education, and she would never dream of talking about these graphic acts to very young children if it wasn't for her faith blinding her to the reality of what she's actually doing.

Children under 5 years old do not need to be told the graphic details of crucifixion. It will just scare and confuse them.

If you're so sure of the truth of your faith, surely you can wait until children are old enough to find out for themselves.

Wishful thinking - I know. The battle of the faiths propaganda wars will continue to rage, but secularism's voice is getting louder every day.

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