Wednesday 20 July 2011

Wendy Deng - Stand By Your Man

Wendy Deng is clearly looking out for her husband, Rupert Murdoch. She was off the mark very quickly to protect her husband from a check-shirted pot-belly attacker.

James Murdoch on the other hand hesitated to protect his father.

That's all you need to know, Rup.

Sack your son.

And put Wendy in charge.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

David Cameron and Suspected Criminals

David Cameron has admitted being a close friend of one suspected criminal, Andy Coulson. It appears that he is extremely close friends with another suspected criminal, Rebekah Brooks.

He also seems to be very happy about this situation and seems to be surprised that anyone should have any concerns about the PM having such relationships.

Of course, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown also cosied up to Brooks and her connection to Murdoch's press machine and its power to influence the hearts and minds of the British public.

Is it any surprise that it has come to this? Rebekah Brooks and Murdoch have walked on water for so long that they may have started to believe that the laws of gravity did not apply to them.

Cameron is reacting to this whole saga like the the privileged aristocrat that he is.

He seems to be saying,

"Really, I do think you little people should just leave me alone and let me continue to run around the world as the head of the British Empire. I have important things to do. Don't trouble me with the trifles of the proletariat, I am above such things."

When questioned in the past about his use of cocaine, David Cameron said that everyone has the right to a private life before they enter politics.

Well how about your private life when you are the prime minister, Mr Cameron? Have the people any right to enquire about your private life and your choice of friends when you are prime minister?

Friday 8 July 2011

Cameron and Coulson

What is it with British politicians and the press?

Thatcher was mad as a hatter, but at least she just said what she thought.

Cameron couldn't just face the music over Coulson without having a stab at Alistair Cambell.

Pathetic posturing politicking.

Cameron was having a go at Dads leaving their children a few weeks ago. Well maybe some Dads have drug problems and their lives fall to pieces.

Of course David Cameron refuses to deny that he used to take cocaine, but he thinks he has the right to lecture people on how to live their lives.

He's now asking everyone in politics and the media to be more honest.

Well how about you Mr Cameron? When are you going to be honest about your old drug habits?

News of the World Closing

There was never any news of the world in there, so it should have been closed due to trade descriptions violations a long time ago.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Eric Hassli - Amazing Goal for Vancouver Whitecaps

Football never ceases to suprise and amaze.

You think you've seen every kind of goal and then along comes another one that you've never seen before. This was some strike by the Frenchman.

Also this season there was the Matty Burrows goal for Glentoran in the Irish League. Another true original.

Saturday 28 May 2011

The Secret of a Long Life

Bugs. Bacteria.  They invade your body every day.

In Japan, people shower and bath before bed. They go through their whole day picking up bugs and bacteria, but they wash them off before bedtime.

Is this the key to Japanese longevity?

In Britain, we shower before work and unless we are going to a special event, we sleep in all the stuff that we have picked up throughout the day.

So I say to the citizens of the world - SLEEP CLEAN - WORK DIRTY - LIVE LONG........

and prosper.

Thursday 26 May 2011

What Chance a British Obama?

What are the chances of a British mixed race kid born to a white mother and an African father becoming prime minister?

Is it not a little ironic that the Queen and all the assorted establishment fawn over this wonderful president when a British equivalent would never stand a chance of being given his due, because he would be thwarted by the entrenched racism and class privilege which runs along every corridor to the heart of every room and seat of power in the land?

How easy it is to imagine Prince Phillip and countless other pompous landed gentry making racist jokes behind president Obama's back.

So to answer the question. There is no chance.
Until we do away with an unelected second chamber, and remove the hereditary principle from our head of state - Britain doesn't stand a chance of aspiring to be the kind of meritocracy where someone as eloquent as Barack Obama could be allowed to get anywhere near a position of power.